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Submissions have opened for
Issue 6:

Like countless droplets gathering to form a torrential downpour, our individual voices—when united—can reshape the very landscape around us. 

Torrential rains don’t merely fall. They erode new pathways into the earth, stimulating growth and transforming everything in their path. And in the same way, a single voice can grow in strength when joined by others.

In our sixth issue, Torrent, we invite you to let your words flood these pages—unapologetically and with purpose. Share your stories of struggle, of triumph, of indignation, and of hope. Lend your voice to those who have been silenced and stand in solidarity with those who fight for justice. Like drops of rain gathering into a torrent, every perspective matters. Together, we become an unstoppable surge, demanding and effecting the change our world so urgently needs.

how to submit to clepsydra

submitting guidelines

poem submission guidelines

  • At this time, no literary works other than poems may be submitted.

  • Up to five poems are allowed in a single document. 

  • There is no line minimum or maximum. 

  • Please start all poems on a new page.

  • Any font and any font size are accepted, as long as the text is clearly legible—unless this is part of the poet’s intention. 

  • Any spacing and margin size are accepted, as long as the text is clearly legible.

  • Please do not write any text that can identify the poet (name, awards, etc.) on the submission.

  • Please have the submission in a .doc, .docx, or .pdf format.  The filename should include the title of the entire piece.

  • We only accept unpublished works. If your piece is accepted or will be published elsewhere, please notify us so we can withdraw your submission from Clepsydra.


art submission guidelines

  • Any and all mediums of art may be submitted.

  • Up to three pieces of art are allowed on a single submission.

  • Please do not write any text that can identify the artist (name, awards, etc.) on the submission.

  • Please compile and submit the works in a ZIP file. The ZIP filename should be the title of the entire collection. 

  • We only accept unpublished works. If your piece is accepted or will be published elsewhere, please notify us so we can withdraw your submission from Clepsydra.

publication information

Clepsydra does not charge for submissions and publications. At this time, Clepsydra is not able to provide payment for publication. Poets and artists will retain full rights after publication, but we would like to receive credit for the poem or art's first publication.

submission platform

Clepsydra utilizes the Submittable platform in order to monitor submissions. It is easy to create a free account on the platform. Click below to access Clepsydra's Submittable page.

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© 2024 by Clepsydra Literary and Art Magazine

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